Satellites are launched for various purposes like communication, navigation, meteorological, data collection, remote sensing, etc. ISRO developed two satellite launching vehicles which are the polar satellite launch vehicle (PSLV) and the geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV). The headquarters of ISRO is located in Bengaluru. India’s national space research organization is called ‘Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

It was launched in the Cosmos-3M launch vehicle. It was launched with the help of Soviet Union. The first satellite built in India is Aryabhata that was launched in 1975. There are other satellites also that are made by man and launched into the orbits of planets and moon. Earth can be considered as the satellite of the sun, meanwhile the moon is a satellite of earth. “Many of the applications have been effectively adopted by stakeholder departments for operational use," he said, listing the applications.Hint A satellite is an artificial object or a celestial body that revolves around any planet or moon. Singh informed that ISRO has plans to launch more satellites to further enhance operational applications and cater to the needs of emerging applications and user ministerial requirements in the country. “Satellite data is also used for crop production estimation, crop intensification, and agricultural drought assessment, wasteland inventory, identifying ground water prospect zones, inland aquaculture suitability and disaster risk reduction," he added. These include television broadcasting, direct-to-home, ATM, mobile communication, tele-education, tele-medicine and advisories on weather, pest infestation, agro-meteorology and potential fishing zones," said the minister. “The satellite-enabled data and services are being used for the benefit of various sectors of the country. A total of 21 of these are communication satellites, eight are navigation satellites, 21 are Earth observation satellites and three are science satellites.